Semester 2 Week 11: Progress Report
April 09, 2022 / 2 Comments
This week I did my intern takes over. You may be wondering what is that and I was too when I first heard about it. But basically, the intern takeovers are when interns take turns posting about their daily activities on a particular day on the Create Caribbean social media. You can talk about your likes, dislikes and what kind of person you are. And the interns could also put up a question board for the people who watched their takeover on the day the intern was doing it. However, all of these are optional and the interns have the freedom of posting what they want to share on their takeover. They can post 50 stories about their day or just post 1 story about who they are. It was all up to the intern to decide what they wanted to do. I was a bit nervous to do my takeover because I don’t usually post on social media, but it wasn’t all that bad when I did it. I do have mixed feelings about whether I want to do it again, but it was fun answering people’s questions. In terms of my progress on my project, I did not make much during this week. I feel like if I focus on school and finish my work then I will have more time to work on my project. So, after school finishes, I plan to work more on my project and hopefully, in the end, my project will look satisfactory and live up to Miss Esprit’s expectations of us.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Dolor consectetur et dolorem distinctio beatae doloribus magni ducimus reprehenderit voluptatibus ex officia quia. cum facere est quas provident ea nam quibusdam deserunt quis. error quis nihil ad quia corrupti asperiores labore quis error ut debitis nobis iste. laborum sint qui aut asperiores numquam itaque ea illum
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quam cumque magni voluptas. possimus neque in voluptates.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quas ut vel nobis veniam explicabo consequatur. iusto nisi eius iure voluptas perferendis omnis quod excepturi et eum. sed porro tenetur ut unde suscipit optio ipsum molestiae
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Saepe laudantium ipsum labore dolorum officia et odio debitis et. consequatur non veniam deserunt rerum nihil sint est